Sunday, March 1, 2009

SUNDAY 3-1-09

Well it is the weekend and that means it's time for the WDE (weekend drawing event). I have participated in this for years but not so much the last year. Getting back into it as it's fun and it pushes me to do things I might not otherwise do.

This is the first one I chose, combined two photos and made this my "Gallery on the Beach" I have decided that I would totally love to build on to this Gallery and have my studio in the back. What more could one ask? Water, sand, art, oh maybe a small frig and something to cook in and I would be set. He he he.

Ah, the painting, well didn't turn out exactly like I wanted, very wonky, liked my dunes and grasses but all and all a fun experience.

So now I'm starting on something different. There was a photo I just loved and decided to try it a couple of different ways. First I used my colors and dropped it on YUPO paper (photo not up yet as it is still drying). Then I put saran wrap on it and put it outside to "dry".

The next one I used Arches 140# HOT pressed paper, also added saran wrap and put outside to "dry".

Went shopping, came back, unloaded groceries and put away and then my DH said, "Do you know it's raining outside"? Arrgh. I grabbed this first one that was on the hot press and it was okay. The other one is up for grabs as it really got wet (WC and water = ? maybe a mess?)

Time will tell. I will add the photo later after it dries. BTW this is a WIP (work in progress) as I plan to paint something on top of these. They must dry first so I don't make a total mess.